Applying our Website Instruments, you’re able to concentrate on your site’s acceptance directly from your personal Web Site Control Panel. Through the Sitemap Generator you will get complete sitemap for your website in minutes. You’ll be able to send the sitemap to major search engines so they can index your website in a timely manner. Also, from the RSS News software, you’ll be able to mount regularly kept up to date content on your website, which is a warranty for greater ranking positions with the major search engines. Our GeoIP re–direction tool will let you re–route customers from a specific region into a particular language variation of your website for more precise targeting outcomes.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap creator integrated straight into your Web Site Control Panel

In case you have recently released your website and need it to get listed a lot faster by the the search engines, or if you need to provide your users an easy method to navigate through all your pages, you will need to use a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a list of all the pages on your website that are linked to. Typically, you will need to rely on third–party applications to deliver the results, however with PriceToHost, you can find a Sitemap Generator built right into the Web Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator you will find is definitely simple to use and since it is entirely suitable for PriceToHost’s cloud shared website hosting platform – your site will be examined really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Route website visitors as outlined by their whereabouts

Using the GeoIP redirection tool that is built into the Domain Names Manager of the PriceToHost Web Site Control Panel, you can easily redirect your visitors according to their geographical location. For instance, in case you have different language versions of the site, you can generate a certain language version to immediately load for customers from the area where that language is used. In this way, if a customer coming from France opens up your web site, she will be instantly taken to the French version, without needing to switch to French on her own. To work with the GeoIP re–direction tool , you will not need any kind of expertise or special skills. Just select the geographic location of your visitors and the address of your web site that you want to come up for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most current headlines within your website

What is RSS? RSS represents a technique for publishing and accumulating content. It’s becoming frequently used by information websites, personal weblogs, bulletins, etc. The published content is quickly picked up through a feed aggregator and after that shown to the user. Working with RSS, clients may collect announcements from many different web sites and read them in one area.

Using the RSS News Syndication application, you can easily incorporate information feeds from a lot of the world’s most favored news channels and showcase them on you site.

RSS News