In the PriceToHost control panel you’ll find an easy–to–use site generation tool that you can use to design a brand new, cool website yourself. It’s in fact plain to learn, even if you are not technologically experienced. The builder has plenty of site themes available in a number of color options that you can tweak to your liking. Plus, your website will look great on any device!

The site generation tool is included with all shared website hosting, VPS servers, semi-dedicated servers, and dedicated servers offers which come with the PriceToHost Web Site Control Panel.

An easy to use site generation tool

No web development skills are required

The purpose of our site generation tool is to make site building intuitive and to help you develop an attractive site without having to type even a single line of PHP or HTML, or any other programming languages.

You could do this with the assistance of layout elements which you could add to any site theme and then customize and reorder the way you like. Plus, to top it all off, you can cut out the blocks you have no use for with just a click. If you wish to make your website more eye–pleasing, you could instantly insert videos and photos, or even a discussion portal to it.

Plus, it all works in a seamless way.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

A set of easy–to–redesign site templates

Stylish website designs that look perfect on all devices

With the site generation tool, you will gain access to a selection of 100% free site themes for all sorts of websites like individual pages, e–shops, community boards, to name a few.

Every site template comes in different layout schemes and has a variety of color combinations. Plus, you’ll have access to a decent collection of licensed photos and will have the option to pick from well over a hundred different fonts for your site. Each theme is created to work across all devices. Should you want to change a given website theme, you will be able to complete that in a matter of seconds. All of the pages and tweaks you have made will be transferred over.

A set of easy–to–redesign site templates

In–built Help Center and step–by–step video tutorials

Watch how smooth it indeed is to jumpstart a website

The PriceToHost’s site generation tool has a Help Center which features very detailed how–to articles and video tutorials influenced by the most commonly asked questions by customers.

You’ll be able to learn how to personalize your theme and launch a new page. In addition, you can discover just how you can opt for a different site theme or perhaps add an e–cart onto your website.

Plus, you can communicate with us round–the–clock should you require immediate help with your site.

Video Tutorials