We have incorporated a group of Site Accelerator Tools into your Web Site Control Panel that can assist you effortlessly enhance the online efficiency of your web sites. You will not need to enhance anything at all within the backend code or produce special adjustments that demand specialized comprehension from you. Inside the Web Site Control Panel, merely choose the tool you intend to employ – Varnish, Node.js, and Memcached and create an instance for it. It’s all carried out with a click. By accelerating your websites, you won’t only prevent your visitors from being forced to wait but also will make your site rank higher in search engine listings.

You can find the Site Accelerator Tools inside the Advanced Applications part of the Web Site Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing as a substitute for data base requests

The Memcached system is perfect for increasing site streaming rates by storing the data–base information that is inquired from your website visitors. It is a robust distributed memory caching platform, which allows for information and objects to be stored within the RAM instead of getting requested each time a customer goes to a website.

This tool is perfect for your data–base–powered sites or apps where your visitors dedicate lots of time surfing and checking out information. Memcached is found in the advanced applications section of the Web Site Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing instead of HTTP queries

In case you have content–intense dynamic sites with lot’s of visuals and clips, you’ll surely have to be sure that your webpages load really fast for your website visitors. A terrific instrument your able to use is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that can help you speed up your websites without requesting you to have any specific computing expertise.

Varnish saves all queries towards the server with the server’s memory and ships the web pages rapidly to the website visitor by eliminating new requests to the hosting server. That way, the pages on your site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times more quickly for your website visitors. You can also pick if the incoming calls will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the web server, and so forth.

Hepsia File Manager


For making quick and then adaptable apps

Web developers can implement Node.js with regard to developing all kinds of top–quality and economical tools including enterprise stats, live applications and content management systems, to mention a few. It is turbo fast and flexible and is supported by an enthusiastic online community that keeps advancing and supporting it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also takes advantage of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders the API versatile and extensible. This ground–breaking system enables designers to speedily produce top quality applications only using one particular language.

Hepsia File Manager