We’ve introduced a great number of Advanced Applications accessible for you at zero cost using the PriceToHost Web Site Control Panel! They are created for web developers or for website owners who want to be in charge of their web hosting surroundings independently. It’s easy to create an .htaccess file, modify the PHP version for your personal web hosting account, change the php.ini file, create diverse automated jobs and apps, plus much more!

All Advanced Applications stick to the layout pattern in our Web Site Control Panel, making them very convenient.

Hotlink Protection

Protect yourself from traffic theft

When you create authentic content material there’s always somebody who will attempt to use it devoid of your permission. It is applicable simultaneously to textual content along with photos. This is the time the Hotlink Protection tool built into the Web Site Control Panel will surely help you. With simply a click, you’ll shield all pictures on your site by blocking other websites from linking to them.

By result of this, not only will you avoid other people from stealing your photographs, but you’ll also ensure you adhere to your monthly data traffic limitation.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized generation of .htaccess files

At PriceToHost, you will get access to the .htaccess file of your site, to ensure you can make as much corrections as you want. Adding just one or two lines in the configuration file, you’ll be able to direct your site to an alternative website address, or create security password defense for a picked folder, and many more.

While using the effective .htaccess Generator in the Web Site Control Panel, you no longer need to have any know–how about .htaccess files whatsoever. Just show the tool what you need to perform as well as for which website, and then click on the Save button. The clever program will produce the .htaccess file to suit your needs in seconds.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block out malevolent IPs from your website

If you want to block out a spammer from accessing your site, an online troll from your discussion board or, possibly a a group of IP addresses flooding your web site, it is best to make full use of PriceToHost’s easy–to–work–with IP blocking tool. It allows anyone to immediately obstruct an IP address or a full IP range from ever interacting with your site.

Our IP Blocking tool is definitely easy–to–work–with. Everything you need to do is enter in, the IP address (or addresses) you’d like to have to block and press the action button. All of the IPs you’ve specified are going to be blacklisted at once.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Customize the PHP settings for your site

When the web app you are using needs a distinct PHP release, or, if you have to make any PHP corrections, you can quickly achieve this in the PriceToHost Web Site Control Panel. You are able to alter the PHP release with only a click, choosing from old PHP releases up to the present steady PHP release. It’s also possible to rapidly customize the most crucial functions inside the php.ini file, or develop a complete change of the way your PHP edition runs.

It’s not necessary to wait for long hours or reboot anything at all for the adjusts to take effect. The changes are carried out online the instant you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Set automated planned tasks

When there is something that your web site or web application would need to carry out everyday, it is easy to automate it by using a cron job. Cron jobs can help you develop timetabled duties, that may be carried through at particular periods. You could set cron jobs to e–mail you the position of your respective site every day or to erase temporary files once a week so as to free disk space with your cloud hosting account.

Each and every cloud hosting package provides a various range of cron jobs. More cron jobs can be purchased at any time through the Web Site Control Panel.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Fantastic way to safeguard all your data

If you would like to create an area within your web site that is visible merely to the users you want, it is possible to take full advantage of the Password Protection instrument. Utilizing it you can quickly generate a security password protected folder which is to be secured and accessible merely to you and also anyone else whom you share the logon info with.

The folder is going to be protected automatically and nobody else will be able to view what exactly is inside. You will certainly be the one person who will be competent to modify or switch it unless you plan to approve different users to view it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with only a couple of mouse–clicks

Through the PriceToHost Web Site Control Panel, it is possible to instantly redirect your web site to another spot with the assistance of the URL Redirection tool. It’s actually simple to operate – all you have to actually do is select where exactly your domain name will be directed to. No requirement for any kind of .htaccess files, PHP redirections, DNS adjustments, etcetera to be made. Your website can be redirected for the brand new place immediately.

It is possible to cease the domain redirection at any moment. All you should do is navigate to the URL Redirection instrument and then disable the website re–direction. Then your domain name is going to begin linking towards the original location.

URL Redirection