Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60 mins Ticket Answer Guarantee

  • Each ticket that you post to our technical help and support Department will be responded to in less than one hour. The basic inquiries shall be taken care of immediately. However, if the help question you have submitted needs help from a trained admin technician, we will forward the ticket to him and will notify you about the delay.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–quality Client Support Service

  • We’ll be on line for you 24/7 to provide help and technical support and also to assist you with any problem that you could possibly stumble upon whilst taking care of your virtual server. We can easily support all installed in advance applications, including your OS, server management panel (dependent upon the VPS type) and the Web Site Control Panel created entirely by us.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Descriptive Help Section

  • A descriptive and consistently updated knowledge base is built into our custom–built Web Site Control Panel. It offers you quick tips on how to execute all of the regular web site managing duties. The Help area features comprehensive how–to article tutorials and step by step video tutorials. You can reach the Help zone by clicking on the Help or Video buttons in the upper right part of each Control Panel section.