If you have a website as well as an app, rate of operation is critical. The quicker your website works and also the quicker your apps function, the better for you. Because a web site is just a group of files that interact with each other, the devices that keep and access these data files have a huge role in web site effectiveness.

Hard drives, or HDDs, were, until recent times, the most dependable devices for keeping data. Then again, lately solid–state drives, or SSDs, have been gaining popularity. Look at our assessment chart to see whether HDDs or SSDs are better for you.

1. Access Time


Because of a radical new approach to disk drive general performance, SSD drives permit for much faster file accessibility rates. With an SSD, data file accessibility instances are much lower (just 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives even now take advantage of the exact same general file access concept which was actually created in the 1950s. Though it was vastly upgraded ever since, it’s slower in comparison to what SSDs are offering. HDD drives’ file access speed varies in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


As a result of the unique radical data storage solution incorporated by SSDs, they offer a lot quicker data access speeds and faster random I/O performance.

In the course of PriceToHost’s lab tests, all of the SSDs confirmed their capacity to work with at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


With a HDD drive, the I/O performance gradually enhances the more you use the drive. Even so, as soon as it actually reaches a specific limitation, it can’t go swifter. And due to the now–old technology, that I/O limit is noticeably below what you could have with a SSD.

HDD can only go so far as 400 IO’s per second.

3. Reliability


SSD drives do not have any sort of rotating parts, which means there’s significantly less machinery within them. And the fewer actually moving parts there are, the lower the possibilities of failure can be.

The average rate of failure of any SSD drive is 0.5%.


For an HDD drive to operate, it needs to spin a few metallic disks at more than 7200 rpm, retaining them magnetically stabilized in the air. They have a substantial amount of moving elements, motors, magnets as well as other devices stuffed in a small space. Hence it’s obvious why the common rate of failing of the HDD drive can vary among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives operate virtually silently; they don’t generate excess heat; they don’t call for added air conditioning options and then consume much less power.

Trials have revealed that the common electrical power intake of an SSD drive is amongst 2 and 5 watts.


From the time they have been constructed, HDDs have always been really energy–ravenous equipment. When you have a web server with lots of HDD drives, this can boost the month to month power bill.

Typically, HDDs consume between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


The swifter the data accessibility rate is, the sooner the data requests can be delt with. Therefore the CPU will not have to reserve assets waiting for the SSD to reply back.

The regular I/O delay for SSD drives is actually 1%.


HDD drives accommodate sluggish access rates as opposed to SSDs do, which will result for the CPU being required to hang around, while scheduling resources for the HDD to locate and give back the requested file.

The regular I/O wait for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs perform as wonderfully as they have during the trials. We ran a complete platform backup using one of the production web servers. All through the backup process, the average service time for I/O queries was indeed under 20 ms.


During the identical lab tests using the same web server, now equipped out with HDDs, efficiency was noticeably slower. During the hosting server back–up process, the average service time for any I/O demands fluctuated somewhere between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You’re able to feel the real–world benefits to utilizing SSD drives each day. As an example, with a server built with SSD drives, a complete backup can take only 6 hours.


Alternatively, with a server with HDD drives, the same data backup will take three to four times as long to complete. A complete back up of any HDD–driven web server may take 20 to 24 hours.

Our VPS servers and additionally our normal shared website hosting accounts offer SSD drives by default. Be part of our family here, at PriceToHost, to check out how we could help you revitalize your website.

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