Varnish is a data caching platform, which is occasionally referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy. It is a web app accelerator tool that can improve the load speed of a site by up to one thousand percent, based on its content. Anytime a visitor opens any page on a site that uses Varnish, the platform caches the page and delivers it instead of the web server in case the visitor opens it again. In this way, the browser request from the visitor is not processed by the web server and the page will load considerably faster, since the Varnish caching platform can serve information many times faster than any web server software. The end result is a considerably faster loading website, which means an enormously improved browsing experience. When any of the cached pages is updated on the actual website, the info that Varnish stores in its system memory is ‘refreshed’ as well, so the website visitors won’t end up seeing old content.

Varnish in Shared Website Hosting

If you host your sites under a shared website hosting account with our company, you will be able to add Varnish with a few clicks from your Control Panel. The platform is available as an optional upgrade with all our shared hosting plans and you can choose the number of the sites that will use it and the total amount of system memory that will be available for the cached data. The two upgradeable features in the Control Panel’s Upgrades section are the number of instances and the amount of memory and they aren’t directly linked to each other, so you can choose if you need lots of memory for one single large-size site or less memory for several smaller ones. You can take advantage of the full potential of the Varnish platform in case the websites use a dedicated IP address. Using the hosting Control Panel, you can quickly start/reboot/cancel an instance, clear the cached data independently for each website which uses the Varnish platform or check an in-depth log file.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated servers offered by us will allow you to use Varnish as soon as your brand new account has been created, since the content caching platform is available by default. 64 megabytes of system memory will be allocated to Varnish the moment your account is activated, so you can take advantage of this workload balancing software once your site has been published to the web. In case you are in need of more system memory, you can order 32 MB at a time from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Upgrades section and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated machine in an instant. You can also increase the number of the Internet sites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not linked directly to the amount of memory that you use, which goes to say that you will have more freedom. The Varnish caching platform will immensely decrease the load on the machine caused by your sites, so your website visitors can enjoy fast-loading web pages. You will be able to manage Varnish with no effort through the Hepsia Control Panel using quick-access buttons. You will be able to start/shut down any of the instances that you have, to clear the cached files for any of your Internet sites or to see system logs.

Varnish in VPS Servers

You can take advantage of Varnish with each of our VPS server packages at no extra charge, since the caching platform is pre-installed and is included by default. The only precondition is that the virtual server must come with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, via which you’ll be able to activate Varnish for any of your sites with just a few clicks of the mouse. Each package comes with a different amount of system memory for data caching purposes, but you’ll get no less than several hundred megabytes, which is sufficient even for several resource-demanding websites. Shortly after you set up Varnish, it’ll begin caching the content that your site visitors browse, so you’ll notice the substantially better site load times and the decreased load on the virtual server in no time. The caching platform will allow you to use a less costly server, as you will not require that many resources to warrant the uninterrupted operation of your websites even if you’ve got traffic-intensive Internet sites with many visitors. Best results are accomplished if the sites that use the Varnish caching platform also use a dedicated IP.