When you have your own server, virtual or dedicated, you will be able to launch your own web hosting reseller business and to make good money in a market that continues to grow every year. With the increasing need for websites, you will need only 3 things to start - a server; a payment application, that is the connection between your online store and the hosting space; and an account with a payment processor, which will enable you to accept online payments. Since there're ready-made reseller programs available, the usage of your own server gives you more control over the software environment. The ability to install server-side software, for instance, gives you a benefit over rivals and means many more happy customers. Using a standard reseller program, the accounts are set up on a shared server, therefore no software can be installed and, for that reason, some sites may not operate correctly. Running your own reseller business provides you with the chance to generate income, while you can still use the server for your individual sites too.

Reselling Options in VPS Servers

You will be able to start a web hosting reseller business with any of the VPS servers that we supply. For this purpose, you can select two of the three website hosting Control Panels which we supply, cPanel or DirectAdmin, due to the fact that they both include a client and a reseller level. As a result, you'll be able to create hosting plans with ease. In case you choose cPanel, we'll give you several free of charge bonuses too - a domain reseller account with one of the most popular registrars in existence, eNom.com, which excludes the deposit that is otherwise needed if you open an account with them directly, as well as a billing and support application called ClientExec, which will allow you to manage invoices and payments and to provide support to your clients. In addition, you'll have full root access to the server, so that you're able to set up anything that you or your clients may need. Using our VPS plans, you're able to create your own reseller company without trouble in no time.