If you work with a script-driven application on your site and all content that you create is saved in a database, your web hosting plan needs to include ample database storage, in order to make certain that even when the site grows, you will not have any sort of problems as a result of the lack of storage space. PostgreSQL is an example of a popular database administration system that's used for a variety of scalable web apps and if you require improved performance and security for your website, it is likely that you will use this system. With this in mind, you'll need a website hosting plan that will not restrict your world wide web presence, particularly if you want to manage various sites and each of them works with PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Website Hosting

We supply a multitude of shared website hosting to provide you with a choice to get the functions that you actually need and not pay extra for features that you will not use. That's why, the PostgreSQL storage is an optional improvement which you're able to add through your Hepsia Control Panel with some of the plans; with others you receive a pre-defined quota, while with the top-notch plans you receive unrestricted database storage space. Since you can easily switch between the plans or upgrade specific characteristics, you can start with a lower-end one and eventually upgrade if you wish to host PostgreSQL-driven websites. Of course, in case you need to start this type of a site from the very beginning, you can select the most appropriate package that comes with PostgreSQL support by default.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you order a semi-dedicated server through us, you will reap the benefits of our powerful cloud hosting platform. As the databases have their own cluster of servers and do not run on the same machines as the web server or the e-mails, any script-driven site that you host here will perform better than if it was hosted on a server where various processes run. The cloud website hosting platform is also the reason why we can afford to offer unrestricted storage for the PostgreSQL databases set up in each semi-dedicated hosting account. You are able to see the size of the databases you make inside your Control Panel, both the individual for all of them as well as the entire, but you will not be restricted in terms of what amount of space they may take, so that your PostgreSQL-driven websites can expand without any restrictions.