If you ever face a problem with your site and are unable to deal with it, ask the hosting provider’s client service staff to assist you to bring the site back online. A prompt solution would be the best-case scenario, but lots of hosting companies reply within 24 hours and even more, all the more so if you’re dealing with a reseller. Even if the problem can be fixed quickly, your site may not work properly or it may not be reachable at all for a prolonged interval, so you may lose potential clients as it’s quite unlikely that anybody will revisit a website that is inoperative. With this in mind, you have to make sure not only that you can reach your hosting company, but also that they can answer and assist you in a timely fashion. If a script update doesn’t go as planned or you delete something by mistake, for instance, the website must be fixed promptly in order to prevent elongated inaccessibility.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting

With a shared website hosting from us, you can just forget about waiting around for hours, or even all day, to obtain a response to a helpdesk ticket or an email. No matter when you contact us, we will lend you a helping hand within less than one hour with any sales and technical enquiries you might have. In fact, our real reaction time scarcely ever exceeds twenty to thirty minutes. As we are available to you 24/7/365, you will always receive support in a well-timed fashion and we understand just how crucial this is in the electronic era. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll answer your enquiries. If you confront any technical issue, we’ll resolve it on your behalf, or we’ll give you all the required information if there is something that you need to do yourself.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our customer service team reps will be at your disposal at all times and they’ll reply to any ticket that you submit via the hosting Control Panel within one hour max. The response time is guaranteed regardless of whether you have a generic question regarding your semi-dedicated server or you confront some complication and you won’t have to wait even that long for most issues. Irrespective of what the nature of the issue is or what time of day or night it is, we’ll be there to assist you, as we are available 365 days a year to take care of any general, billing or technical issue. In case you get in touch with us about anything that is within our capacity, we’ll sort it out before we reply, which means that you will not have to wait for hours or days while the problem lingers. If there’s something that you have to do on your end, we’ll provide you with the required details – what workable solutions to try, what steps to take, etc.