A ticketing system is the most widely used communication channel that hosting companies offer to their customers. It is most often part of the billing account and is the quickest way to resolve a problem that takes a certain amount of time to investigate or that has to be escalated to a server admin. Thus, all responses given by either party will be kept in the exact same place in the event that somebody else wants to work on the issue in question and the info already exchanged in the ticket will be available to all parties. The downside of deploying a ticketing system with most hosting platforms is that it’s not part of the web hosting Control Panel, which implies that you’ll have to sign in and out of no less than two accounts in order to carry out a certain operation or to reach the company’s customer support staff. If you desire to administer a handful of domains and each one of them is hosted in a separate account, you’ll need to use even more accounts at the same time. Also, it might take a substantial length of time for the provider to answer your ticket request.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Website Hosting

In contrast with what you may find with lots of other hosting companies, the trouble ticket system that we’re using with our shared website hosting is an indivisible part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all accounts. You will not need to memorize different usernames and passwords, since you’ll be able to manage your tickets and the web hosting account itself from one single place. So, in case you have an inquiry or run into a challenge, you can get in touch with our help desk support team momentarily. Our system includes an intelligent search mechanism. This implies that even if you have submitted a ton of tickets through the years, you’ll be able to find the one that you want without much difficulty. Plus, you can see knowledge base suggestions for solving commonly encountered difficulties.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you wish to get in touch with our tech support team members, you’ll be able to submit a ticket directly from your Hepsia Control Panel instead of using a completely different client support platform like you’ll have to do with the vast majority of hosting companies on the marketplace. Our integrated ticketing system will permit you to send a new ticket without hassles and to look through older tickets using a smart search box. Moreover, you will be able to take a look at the applicable knowledge base articles that our system will offer you on the basis of the problem category that you choose for your new ticket. You can perform all of the abovementioned operations without leaving your Hepsia Control Panel at any time, so in case you face any predicament or have a question, you can get in touch with our support engineers and resolve the particular issue in no more than one hour using one single platform.