Data corruption is the accidental modification of a file or the loss of information that often occurs during reading or writing. The reason could be hardware or software fail, and because of this, a file can become partially or completely corrupted, so it'll no longer function correctly as its bits will be scrambled or missing. An image file, for instance, will no longer present an actual image, but a random mix of colors, an archive will be impossible to unpack for the reason that its content will be unreadable, etcetera. If this kind of a problem appears and it's not found by the system or by an administrator, the data will become corrupted silently and in case this happens on a disk drive that is part of a RAID array where the data is synchronized between different drives, the corrupted file shall be reproduced on all other drives and the damage will become long term. A number of popular file systems either do not offer real-time checks or don't have high quality ones which will detect a problem before the damage is done, so silent data corruption is a very common problem on hosting servers where substantial amounts of info are kept.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Shared Website Hosting

We have tackled the matter of silent data corruption on all our shared website hosting servers by using the cutting-edge Z file system, or ZFS. The latter is better than other file systems as it is the only one out there which checks all of the files in real time by employing a checksum - a digital identifier that is unique for each and every file. When you upload content to your account, it will be stored on several NVMe drives and frequently synchronized between them for redundancy. ZFS constantly compares the checksum of all files and in case any file is detected as damaged, it is replaced immediately with a good copy from some other disk. As this happens in real time, there is no risk that a damaged file may remain or may be copied on the remaining NVMes. ZFS needs lots of physical memory to execute the real-time checks and the benefit of our cloud web hosting platform is that we take advantage of multiple very powerful servers working together. In case you host your websites with us, your data will be undamaged no matter what.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Semi-dedicated Servers

You won't experience any silent data corruption issues whatsoever in case you acquire one of our semi-dedicated server plans as the ZFS file system that we take advantage of on our cloud hosting platform uses checksums to guarantee that all files are undamaged all of the time. A checksum is a unique digital fingerprint which is assigned to each and every file kept on a server. Due to the fact that we store all content on a number of drives at the same time, the same file has the same checksum on all the drives and what ZFS does is that it compares the checksums between the different drives right away. In the event that it detects that a file is corrupted and its checksum is different from what it has to be, it replaces that file with a healthy copy without delay, avoiding any probability of the damaged copy to be synchronized on the other hard drives. ZFS is the only file system on the market that uses checksums, which makes it much more dependable than other file systems that cannot detect silent data corruption and duplicate bad files across hard drives.