A data center is a special facility where businesses store the web servers employed for their online or offline services - web hosting, mail servers, computing, file storage, and so on. The data center offers the environment for the machines accommodated there to operate at their very best capacity while sustaining their life. This is achieved by supplying optimum environmental conditions - temperature, air humidity, protection against disasters, and so forth. All data centers also have electric power and Internet backups, which are a safeguard in the event of infrastructural difficulties, and which guarantee the uninterrupted work of the servers and the access to them. The limited access to this type of facilities gives an extra layer of security against unauthorized access by third-parties. If you use the online services of any business, a good data center will greatly raise the standard of the service and your user experience.

Data centers in Shared Website Hosting

If you decide to sign up for one of our shared website hosting packages, you'll have a choice between five of the best data centers on three different continents - Colohouse in Chicago, USA, UK Servers in Coventry, England, S3Company in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. This shall allow you to choose an area closer to your site visitors, so they will be able to enjoy big loading speeds all of the time. Every facility provides multi-gigabit connectivity, outstanding environmental settings and knowledgeable 24/7 technical support, which is the reason why we work with them for a long time. Since they offer outstanding server care, we can focus on bettering our hosting services in order to supply you with the perfect service without needing to worry about our machines. We've employed our innovative cloud platform in all 5 locations, so you could take full advantage of it and enjoy an outstanding service whatever the data center that you select.

Data centers in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our highly effective semi-dedicated server solutions are available in 5 data centers globally with the target to give you the cabability to get the best possible Internet hosting service for your websites no matter where you or your site visitors are located. Once you reach the order page, you will be able to select Colohouse in the U.S., UK Servers in England, S3Company in Bulgaria, Ficolo in Finland or Amaze in Australia. We've picked out these facilities since they offer exceptional services and are able to keep all hosting servers which are part of our innovative cloud hosting platform working at all times and at their best capacity. Every single facility uses several backbone Internet companies with multi-gigabit routes, diesel generators and powerful UPS units as a failsafe in the event of an infrastructural issue. They all also have skilled 24/7 technical support crews that can easily react in minutes to any unforeseen issue that appears. Using these data centers allows us to focus on enhancing our services all of the time, so we are able topresent you with the absolute best Internet hosting service for your sites.

Data centers in VPS Servers

If you opt for one of the KVM-powered VPS server plans that we provide, you'll be able to choose between all of our data centers for the location of your new account. We offer the service on multiple different continents so that you could choose the most appropriate one for you based on where you are or what region you would like to focus on. All facilities are among the largest ones inside their respective country and offer superb collocation services, which is the main reason for us to choose them. Terabit fiber lines to large cities inside North America and Europe and also across the Atlantic along with an individual UPS for each and every physical web server and powerful diesel generators guarantee that your VPS shall be up and accessible constantly no matter what. The facilities also have skilled support staffs which can deal with any issue quickly, which enables us to focus on our VPS hosting services rather than spending time and efforts to look after our hosting server network.

Data centers in Dedicated Servers

In case you require plenty of computing power for your Internet sites and you purchase one of the dedicated server packages we offer, you will be able to take advantage of the excellent service which our Chicago-based data center offers. The Colohouse facility is where our dedicated servers are kept and hosting your Internet sites there will allow you to reach the entire North American continent effortlessly. Direct connections with the East and West Coasts, with several major cities in the area and even over the Atlantic ensure the excellent access speeds to your content. Your server shall never be offline as it shall have its own highly effective UPS unit which will keep it functioning until 1.5 MW diesel power generators begin working in case there is a power failure. The 24/7 server tech support staff will react very fast in the event that there's any issue with your machine and we have spares and whole backup servers in the facility, so your websites will be up and running no matter what.